WW II Ballistics 7,5 cm Hungarian Gun

There was a question of when where the German PaK 40 7.5 cm guns had a 770 m/s muzzle velocity?  It seems that somewhere a 7,5 cm model 40 gun was in circulation.  What has come to light is a Hungarian copy of this gun had a 770 m/s MV.  This was the 7,5 cm L/55 tank gun to be used as the cannon of the 44. M Zrínyi I assault gun and the 43. M Turán III medium tank.
This was to use the following ammunition:
7,5cm 43 M. páncélgránát (AP), Hungarian counterpart of the German Pzgr. 39; weight: 6,8 kg
7,5cm 43 M. páncélrobbantógránát (HEAT), Hungarian counterpart of the German Gr. 38 H1/C; 5 kg, muzzle velocity: 450 m/s
7,5cm 40 (40W) M. különleges német páncélgránát (="special German armour-piercing grenade") (APCR); 4,1 kg, 930 m/s, tungsten core
7,5cm 43 M. repeszgránát (HE), Hungarian counterpart of the German Gr. 34; 5,74 kg, 550 m/s

WW II Ballistics 7,5 cm Romanian Gun

Here's an interesting gun.  6.6 kg APC shell @ 840 m/s 75mm/L48 gun with only 2.5m of rifling.