WW II Ballistics Tank Gun Penetration - Japan

I have some Japanese penetration tables but I do not know the penetration criteria so the numbers do not have much meaning.  The are presented here for reference. 

Japanese Guns
Penetration figures are an average of data. Unknown success criteria.
Gun TypeAmmunitionAngleMuzzle velocity Penetration (mm)
100 m300 m500 m1000 m1500 m2000 m2500 m3000 m
20mm/L73 Type 98AP 792 m/s (2598 ft/s) 34 29 23 15 10
37mm/L37 Type 94APHE 575 m/s (1886 ft/s) 39 31 27 20 13
37mm/L46 Type 98APHE 685 m/s (2247 ft/s) 45 41 37 26 16
37mm/L46 Type 94APHE 704 m/s (2310 ft/s) 46 42 38 27 18 10
37mm/L50 Type 01APHE 800 m/s (2625 ft/s) 54 50 46 34 25 16
47mm/L54 Type 01APHE 823 m/s (2700 ft/s) 75 70 64 50 38 26
75mm/L38.4 Type 90 APHE 683 m/s (2241 ft/s) 89 84 79 66 56 47 39 26

Average of collected data.  I am not able to determine the armor quality or test criteria from the data.  So this is just a straight average of the data and is not normalized.

Armor Basis is Averaged and Normalized to RHA BHN 270
Penetration figures use 50% success criteria.
Gun TypeAmmunitionAngleMuzzle velocity Penetration (mm)
100 m300 m500 m1000 m1500 m2000 m2500 m3000 m
20mm/L73 Type 98 AP 792 m/s (2598 ft/s) 33 27 22 14
37mm/L37 Type 94 APHE 575 m/s (1886 ft/s) 32 27 22 15 12
37mm/L37 Type 97 APHE 685 m/s (2247 ft/s) 43 36 30 18 13
37mm/L45.9 Type 94 APHE 704 m/s (2310 ft/s) 46 40 34 20 15
37mm/L50 Type 01 APHE 800 m/s (2625 ft/s) 56 49 42 25 16
47mm/L54 Type 01APHE 823 m/s (2700 ft/s) 78 71 64 47 32 24
57mm/L18.5 Type 92APHE 349 m/s (1145 ft/s) 32 29 27 23 20 18
57mm/L18.5 Type 01APHE 420 m/s (1378 ft/s) 43 37 33 26 23 21
75mm/L20.8 Type 99 APHE 450 m/s (1476 ft/s) 59 54 50 42 36 33
75mm/L30.7 Type 38 APHE 510 m/s (1673 ft/s) 65 64 60 49 41 36
75mm/L38.4 Type 3,90APHE 680 m/s (2231 ft/s) 100 95 89 77 65 54
75mm/L44.1 Type 04,88APHE 719 m/s (2359 ft/s) 108102 96 82 69 56
75mm/L56.4 Type 05APHE 850 m/s (2789 ft/s) 133122114 99 82 67 51
105mm Type 91APHE 419 m/s (1375 ft/s) 61 61 59 50 44 41 38 36
105mm Type 92APHE 792 m/s (2598 ft/s) 162154146126109 92 76 60

In order to compare gun penetration with the same conditions the above data is computed with a shell quality 0.9 and from NaaB2.  This produces firing data based on US 1944 Class B homogeneous armor.   This then is normalized to the standard used here.

Shells seem to be APHE without windscreen or AP cap.   The ballistics of the shell reflects a standard ogive shape. If this information changes I will update the table.