3.). It would be nice is the Rexford data was for the early uncapped shell as the other is clearly for Pzgr. 39. But, that is speculation.
Looking next to penetration for these shells several data sets can be found. This especially, true of the Pzgr 39 shell. The Germans obviously had test data, and so does the US. The Russian have some sketchy tests. The Yugoslavs have post war tests which are consistent with other tests.. I would of thought the British War Office would of done testing as well. And these would of turned up in British authors WWII theme books, as there are a lot of them. It turns out, not so much. Comparing the data in these it looks like it matches pretty closely to German data. (Fig 4.) In fact this seems to match (+/- 1.5 mm) the BIOS data of post war intelligence on German weapons. The BIOS data probably is from earlier German weapons material such as the previously mentioned. DIE VORGÄNGE BEIM BESCHUß VON PANZERPLATTEN, Lilienthalgesellschaft für Luftfahrtforschung 166 (Berlin 1943) (Fig. 5 blue line) What matters to this game is that I normalize* data depending on it's source. (If British WO data then a difference multiple has to be applied to the numbers than German test data, i.e different normalization.) The one thing that doesn't match any data I found was the penetration data for the early Pzgr Gr shell. (line in red) The penetration curve for that is completely unreal. The penetration of the Pzgr 39 shell (blue line ) exactly matches that in the German table data as well as the BIOS data. So the table data on the early shell looks like it to be a weak version of the Pzgr 39 shell, but this graph shows it com