There are reports from Windows 10 users that they can't even download the zip files of a program. This is mostly due to the security of their computer. Their computer is set to safe mode. Sorry but this has to be halted. From what I have read once you turn off safe mode you can't turn it back on. Basically, this forces everything that you download to come through Microsoft.
But, if you want to download these program you may have to change the security of the folder you download to and the one you unzip to and run the program in. You have to run the file explorer and click on the folder you want to change. Right click the folder and go to the Security tab. Then for the user you are going to use change all the allow checks to 'Allow'. The folders are like nesting dolls and any folder that is a sub folder has to be allowed as well.
This may be a little dangerous so you may be able to change the security allows back to the way they were after you install the program. Some programs like the crazy eights program write files so the ability to write has to be allowed.