Several scouting companies of Russian tanks have located the main German advance of the southern pincer. German units arrive and take up positions along a line as they await Russians. Russians have some trouble getting all
Russians made a premature attack with 27 T34s. Against this Germans lined up 50 of their own. The Russians were badly
Prelude do battle. All is quite before
Mobius measuring
T-34/76 scout company on
This was not a Russian victory. One problem with convention games is that often players are scheduled for other events sometime in the afternoon but want to kill time by getting into a game. The players who ran Russians in the morning were only concerned in getting to move and shoot by the time they left. The new Russian commanders were drafted in the afternoon had been left with a pretty gloomy situation. They tried to make the best of it while getting in their
Russian emerging from the village of Prohorovka are met with concentrated German
North of the railway embankment Russians are again defeated.
John Knox, Weider Wayne and a third German player view their handiwork - German